Meet Your Mentor

My day job is working as an Information Technology professional, but outside of the office my passion is helping people that are struggling with addiction.  I've been involved with the Samson Society for over 5 years. During that time, I’ve talked to tons of guys in meetings, at conferences and walked closely with some as their “Silas”. A Silas is a shoulder to lean on, an objective voice about what’s going on, a cheerleader and a guy that agrees to invest in you. I’ve also been the guy that can give knowledge, wisdom and tell stories of real-life experience. Most of the guys that I have walked with are struggling with pornography and sexual acting out.

I’ve also spoken at several addiction related retreats during the last 15 months.

I’ve recently completed training with Bravehearts, so I’m now a Certified Professional Mentor as a graduate of their program.

If you’re going to climb the mountain of recovery, you need a sherpa. Someone who knows the way and knows the difference between good choices and bad ones. Let me be that person for you.